Majestic Twelve

An intensive ongoing effort has been made to establish the validity of the information, format, style, and other aspects of the three primary Operation Majestic-12 documents dealing with the establishment of a TOP SECRET group to handle the 1947 recovery and evaluation of a crashed alien spacecraft. Lengthy visits to numerous government document archives, review of other documents by the same people, contact with numerous knowledgeable persons, and investigation of the many arguments raised by skeptics has, to date, provided no indication that the documents are fraudulent and a host of small details which tend towards legitimacy for MJ-12.

Dr Stanton T. Friedman

Released in 1987, controversy still surrounds the Majestic 12 documents. Many point to them as evidence of the US military having recovered an alien spacecraft and bodies in the vicinity of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 ... others insist that they are a very clever hoax ... view the documents yourself!

Here are the same documents in a text format. mj12doc.txt - 17K

The following documents were scanned from Stanton T. Friedman's book "TOP SECRET/MAJIC". They are part of the Majestic Twelve Special Operations Manual

It is strongly suggested that you buy this book to learn more about the enclosed documents. The ISBN is: 1-56924-830-3.

It would be unfair to to disclose all of the information surrounding said documents because Mr. Friedman has a right to sell as many copies of his book as possible.

Page 1 - (43k) Page 2 - (37k) Page 3 - (68k)
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Page 13 - (68k) Page 14 - (73k) Page 15 - (82k)
Page 16 - (30k) Page 17 - (63k) Page 18 - (40k)

Hopefully, these documents will be converted into simple text files eventually, if I can find the time.

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